Friday, January 17, 2014

The Final Countdown

When I started this blog I wanted to post so much about our wedding journey. But between school, work, anxieties, laziness, moving, actual wedding planning, and just plain life...that hasn't been the case. And now there are suddenly just 45 days until our wedding day and I cannot believe it! We have a countdown going on our chalkboard in the living room and I swear it makes the days go even faster! There's still so much to do. I don't think I realized how all-consuming planning a wedding would be. Joe and I were joking the other night about how we don't know what we're going to do post-wedding because almost every day/night is filled with some sort of wedding related task.

Luckily we've reached the point where the big things are pretty much done, and now it's making the final touches and doing the little things I want to add. My dress has been fitted, all the bridesmaids have their dresses, the boys have ordered their tuxes, we both have our wedding rings, the little ones know what they're wearing, centerpieces have been picked, flowers have been chosen, we're almost done with our pre-marriage counseling, invitations have been mailed - and tons more. It's crazy to look at how much is done. It doesn't seem like a lot until you write it all out.

It's really hard to believe that when we got engaged there were over 500 days until the wedding, and now we're under 50! It's a little surreal, exciting and terrifying all mixed into one.

As we get closer to the big day I'm so thankful for all of the love and support we've gotten from our family and friends throughout our whole engagement. I'm glad I have friends that let me talk about the wedding and don't get annoyed with me and that have offered me so much advice and support along the way. I really can't wait to celebrate with everyone and become a married lady so soon!

**when I wrote this it was 45 - now it is 43!!!


  1. I'm so excited!!! The next time I come to Fort Wayne will be for YOUR wedding!
    Hip hip!
