Friday, April 5, 2013

Wedding Inspiration: Brooch Bouquets

A couple of days ago my grandma (who is OBSESSED with Pinterest) pinned this absolutely gorgeous brooch bouquet.I instantly fell in love. I really hadn't given much thought about a brooch bouquet before. I've seen them on Pinterest and wedding blogs, but never considered the idea for my own bouquet. I've been so focused on finding the perfect flowers and colors and such. But something about this one just made me obsessed with the idea. It just looks so chic and sophisticated while also having a lot of uniqueness and flair. Amy commented on the pin and said she would start looking for brooches if I really want to do it, and if we can find brooches that look as great together as this (and some of the other lovely ones I have found) I would love to!

I love how you can pretty much take any combination of styles of brooches, and even colors, and somehow it all looks like it was meant to go together to begin with. The middle one with all of the different colored brooches is so much fun!

1. Chic Vintage Brides
2. Wedding Chicks
3. Lillybuds
4. Girly Wedding
5. NorCal Wedding
6. Green Wedding Shoes
7. SilverStems via Etsy


  1. I love them!!! I think they can end up being kind of pricey. The cheapest I've found brooches for is $3 a pop. Well, I actually don't know if that would make it more or less expensive than a normal bouquet. What colors would you want? White/clear/silver? White/clear/silver/pink? It looks like some of them include non brooches.

  2. Probably white/silver/clear with some pink. I definitely like the 1st one from Pinterest and the 3rd one that has the one pop of pink. I'm sure it can get expensive, but it's just so pretty! Ha.
